What's your Life Program Score?

Oftentimes, we wonder how our life could be better and what we could do to make it that way. This self-test will help you discover what areas of your life might benefit from some reprogramming.

What is reprogramming?

During our developmental years, all of us at some point learned or created specific beliefs that served us well at the time, but are now stopping us from becoming our strongest, healthiest, most productive, successful selves.

The 'reprogramming' techniques will allow you to identify those limiting beliefs, choose a new belief pattern that aligns with your current desires/goals, and then instill those beliefs into your conscious and subconscious mind.

Get started now   ❯ 


Look what people are saying about Suzanne Velasquez-Sheehy



"The passion and dedication that Suzanne has for empowering her clients is as effective as it is exemplary. I highly recommend Suzanne and her energy psychology program to anyone ready for positive change in their life."



"As a result of my sessions with Suzanne, I have been able to identify emotional habits that caused my stress and anxiety. I now feel more calm and empowered to create achievable goals at work and in my personal life."

stacey garcelon


"Working with Suzanne has been transformational for me personally and professionally.  She is authentic and present, meets you where you are at, and guides you to discover limited thinking that's holding you back — then provides the tools to surpass old thought patterns and replace them with empowering thoughts to create the life you really want."

You know you can. You know you want to.